It's 13% ABV, medium dry and has got a good color. Right now I'm drinking from a batch that started with a gallon of store brand apple juice, 3 cups of sugar, and the champagne yeast. I'm trying a batch now, but won't get to the drinking stage until 3 or 4 weeks from now. He said it takes about a week to ferment. They used the local store brand of apple juice, a whole small bag of oak cubes, and the ale yeast he sold me. They were brewing a 6 gallon pail of apple cider when I went. Recently I switched to an ale yeast on the advice of the guy in the brewing store. I leave it in the plastic jugs until my supply of empty bottles is ready, then bottle it & it sits another couple weeks. 1 clove per half gallon, a pinch of freshly ground nutmeg. I've also tried adding spices when I rack it out of the carboy into the plastic jugs it came in. The last few batches, I bought a small bag of toasted oak cubes from a local brewing store, and added a dozen cubes to each gallon carboy, right at the beginning. I've always used store brand or inexpensive apple cider to start. I tried adding white cane sugar, and also adding thawed frozen concentrate apple juice to reconstituted juice until I got the SG above 1.1. Final ABV was over 18%, but there was still some sugar left. It tolerates up to 19%, and no matter how much sugar I added, it was still dry tasting, until I topped out at SG of 1.15, which was almost like syrup. My first batch, fermented right in the half-gallon jugs it came in from the store, I used a baker's yeast and added no sugar.

It just took longer to ferment, then came out with higher alcohol content. So I tried adding sugar thinking it would make it sweeter. I like a slightly sweet cider, more like a Woodchuck brand cider than a Crispin or an Angry Orchard brand. I'm using 1 gallon carboys & trying a different recipe each time.